Use Facebook Marketing For Strategic Lead Generation That Will Grow Your Brand Online
Facebook is becoming one of our favourite mediums for highly targeted, demographic lead generation for both our local and national clients. Facebook understands its users interests, likes, hobbies and buying patterns like no other social network. Because of the detailed personal information that users provide Facebook with, advertisers can now benefit considerably. The Facebook advertising platform enables you to create insanely targeted marketing campaigns that reach out to your ideal customer with pin point accuracy.
At Inbound Marketing we use this highly targeted data to create lead generation and content marketing campaigns that engage our clients ideal customers with education based marketing strategies and offers. To advertise effectively on Facebook, much more thought needs to go into the offer and promotion compared to the “lazy” ads that are seen on google.
Facebook vs Google
Advertisers know that on google, their job is pretty much done by the time some one searches for their product or service. Google provides advertisers with a hungry crowd looking for they sell. The only issue is that for most businesses the cost per click on google is becoming too expensive for most advertisers and the amount of traffic is not enough in many industries to rely on.
The traffic is different on Facebook. When your ideal client is on Facebook they are not their actively searching for a solution to a need which is what happens on a search engine like google. They don’t want to be distracted by loud aggressive banners that shout “BUY MY S#$%!”. They want to be provided with funny videos, photos of friends and family and engaging information that they are interested in. Ads on Facebook need to provide value for the end user.
As an advertiser Facebook will offer you much more affordable cost per click rates and much more potential traffic. If you are able to provide an offer to your ideal client on Facebook that not only interrupts them effectively but also engages them, the results can be exceptional.
A Dedicated & EXPERIENCED Facebook Strategist Is The Difference
As Facebook continue to gain momentum it is essential that as a business you have professionals managing your campaigns and pages. It is not just a matter of buying “likes” and “shares”, but coming up with a complete content marketing strategy that engages, wows and provides huge value. This is in the form of unique competitions and value packed information.
Inbound Marketing works with business to create unique content that engages their fans, develops and deploys interactive competitions and builds in intelligent display advertising initiatives in the form of re-targeting campaigns.
Building a Brand | Creating a Tribe
Time and time again we have seen strategic content marketing strategies deployed on Facebook develop passionate and loyal brand supporters. This is done in a variety of ways, but we primarily create this for our clients with the strategic development of direct response sponsored post campaigns and also competitions that create huge engagement levels.
Facebook enables businesses within their niche to quickly position themselves as the industry expert in their chosen field, while providing a strong trust based relationship with their customer base. Our aim is to always start our clients ideal customers off as fans or followers and slowly build trust over time via the provision of quality content and competitions. The end goal is to transition them to paying customers and strong advocates of our clients brands.
We Create Campaigns That Get Noticed
Our team of talented in house designers and digital strategists will get to know your brand and business very quickly. We want to know what you stand for and why your customers choose you. We work tirelessly to create campaigns that position you as the go to expert in your niche setting you far ahead of your competition. This all occurs with a limited ad spend in comparison to the return on investment and market leadership we create for you.
Custom & Similar Audiences
Most business owners that we work with are unaware that they are able to leverage their current database of email contacts to advertise directly to in Facebook. In most cases we see that at least 60% of our clients current email database provides the same email to Facebook when they create an account. If their current database lines up with an email of an account holder already on Facebook then the advertiser is able to promote directly to this email.
This feature within Facebook allows businesses to re-engage lost or cold enquiries and also up-sell current customers.
End to End Facebook Funnel Creation
Many agencies social media management services only offer their client one part of the puzzle when it comes to advertising on Facebook. They may create a Likes campaign or perhaps create generic content, used for page updates. These services are fine in and of themselves, but if they are not included within a well thought out strategic content marketing plan, the will fail to deliver any noticeable results on Facebook.
If you want to be successful on Facebook you need to be able to implement the entire marketing funnel from beginning to end. This includes developing the ad concept, knowing how to use power editor to create visually appealing ads, writing engaging copy that interrupts and engages, developing high converting landing pages, setting bid prices and assigning custom audiences. There is also the need for connecting the campaigns landing pages to an auto responder sequence that includes a number of well written follow up sequences that also provide massive value.
There is no other way of putting it. There is alot (and we think way too much for the average business to cope with if they have no experience with Facebook) in terms of creating and deploying these campaigns that get traction and actually provide an ROI.