This Is The One Thing Our Most Successful Clients Do
Want to know the one thing that we recommend every single small business owner does to their business? This tool has never disappointed and have always helped to give firm, truthful answers to the following quesitions:
How much mula do I make when my phone rings?
How do I know where to invest my marketing dollars for best return?
For every marketing dollar I spend, how many am I making?
All good business owners ask and wonder about these questions frequently. Something we try to estimate numbers, conversion rates or even just hope we’ll see a positive return.
But…what if you could use one tool to answer all of these questions for you…down to the cent?
This tool calculates marketing numbers that in our experience, impact on a business far more than just a profit margin or revenue total. These numbers help to motivate you and your entire team and show you the most predictable, cost-effective and fastest way to grow your business.
Plus, its stupid simple to use.
If your team spend just 2-5 minutes a day entering data in to this spreadsheet, you’ll get some amazing results and tell-tale signs coming back – the kind of signs you can actually use to move your business in the right direction.
Check out this real-life example we had with a client.
We were generating leads for them and were finding that they just weren’t answering the phone consistently. Now let’s be clear – they weren’t lazy – they were juggling a lot of priorities and tasks and still giving an exceptional customer experience…but…well, they just weren’t answering their phone leads consistently. All website traffic were being directed to this phone number and we were trying to stress just how important it was to answer every call and how much potential was waiting on the other end of the line.
But, as with everything in business…its all about the numbers. Why nag when you can show? So, we plugged data in to this tool for just 20 days. Then, we all sat around a table and I was able to confidently tell the team that everytime they missed a call, $442 was going down the drain!
Let’s just say they never miss a call now 😉
The morale of the stories? Keep calm and count numbers. Its SO important when running marketing campaigns and driving enquiries for your business.
Here’s to tracking your numbers!
In other news…..we have also been getting alot of clients asking us about Mobilegeddon and what it will mean for their business. Our advice is to to get mobile friendly ASAP so you and your business are not on Google’s hit list. To have your website analysed now to see if it is mobile friendly, use our FREE audit tool here.